Welcome to the Beaumont Aggie Moms’ Website!
Since 1933, area moms of Aggies have been coming together to help each other and to support our students with scholarships, student organizations support, goody bags and hugs!
Beaumont Aggie Moms’ Club meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month for a general meeting. We start to gather at 5:30pm for social time and then kick off the meeting promptly at 6:00pm with a guest speaker to teach us little bit about Texas A&M University, student organizations and what to expect from college life, in general. After the program concludes, we follow-up with general club business. You can find information about our monthly meetings on our Events Calendar. If you have ideas for our meetings and guest speakers, email us at beaumontaggiemoms@gmail.com
In addition to our monthly meetings, the Beaumont Aggie Moms’ Club is all about fun and fellowship, so we try to plan social events throughout the year. This year we will makes crafts such as holiday wreaths and Sip and Sob wine glasses to bring to our Sip and Sob gatherings, Painting with a Twist, tailgating locally and in College Station, and possibly a fun community event in the spring. If you have suggestions for Community Service Projects or Social Events, email us.
Check out our recent Announcements and Upcoming Events, but you can see more on our News & Events page. Be sure to follow us on our Beaumont Aggie Moms Facebook, where we share photos and stories and all of the information that we can possibly find about events going on in College Station and Galveston. Need something delivered to your Aggie? Post a request on Facebook to see if any of our moms are travelling in that direction and can deliver! We are all about banding together to support our Aggie Students and our group of wonderful Aggie Moms!