Club Membership


We invite you to join the Beaumont Aggie Moms’ Club!

Joining and participating in club events are excellent ways to become familiar with Texas A&M University, to support your Aggie, and to form lasting friendships with other Aggie Moms.

Membership is open to mothers, stepmothers, guardians, other relatives and friends of current and former students of Texas A&M University (all campuses, including College Station, Blinn Team, Galveston, etc).  If you are a member of another Aggie Moms’ Club, you can still join the Beaumont Aggie Moms as an Associate Member.

Come to a meeting or email us at for our current 2021-22 Membership Form and return it to us with your check made payable to Beaumont Aggie Moms.  Dues for an Active Member are $25.00 and dues for an Associate Member are $15.00.

Come and join the fun and fellowship at one of our meetings or social events!  See our Events Page for more details.