2021-22 Club Officers

PresidentWendy Broussard
Vice President at LargeChristie LeBlanc
1st Vice President - MembershipDaiana Wheeler
2nd Vice President - ProgramsCeleste Ramsey
3rd Vice President - FundraisingCarol Barranco-Sanders
Recording SecretarySusan Jones
TreasurerStacy Boullion
Corresponding SecretarySusan Jones
HistorianJulie Walker
Social ChairmanLeah Wilcox
-Kellie Woodard
Publicity ChairmanSusan Jones
Scholarship ChairmanCindy Copeland
Senior Recognition ChairmanCindy Copeland
Electronics Information ChairmanWendy Broussard
TLC Bag ChairmanCindy Copeland
Yard Sign ChairmanLaura Berry
--Allyson Treme

If you are interested in a Board Position for the upcoming year, be sure to check out our Bylaws for board descriptions and contact us at beaumontaggiemoms@gmail.com to let us know what position that you are interested in.  We’d love to have you join us at the Winter Federation Workshops in January!