President Wendy Broussard
Vice President at Large Christie LeBlanc
1st Vice President - Membership Daiana Wheeler
2nd Vice President - Programs Celeste Ramsey
3rd Vice President - Fundraising Carol Barranco-Sanders
Recording Secretary Susan Jones
Treasurer Stacy Boullion
Corresponding Secretary Susan Jones
Parliamentarian/Chaplain *Vacant*
Historian Julie Walker
Social Chairman Leah Wilcox
-Kellie Woodard
Publicity Chairman Susan Jones
Scholarship Chairman Cindy Copeland
Senior Recognition Chairman Cindy Copeland
Electronics Information Chairman Wendy Broussard
TLC Bag Chairman Cindy Copeland
Yard Sign Chairman Laura Berry
--Allyson Treme
If you are interested in a Board Position for the upcoming year, be sure to check out our Bylaws for board descriptions and contact us at to let us know what position that you are interested in. We’d love to have you join us at the Winter Federation Workshops in January!